The Canal House
Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016
In the city centre of Amsterdam a hidden gem is build in an old canal house that was build in the beginning of the 17th century. The only thing visible from the street is big double garage door that marks the entrance. You enter the loft through the garage where is space for an old classic car and bikes, adjacent to this space a sitting pit with home cinema is located.
The layout of the loft is organised around a patio in the middle that is the only outdoor connection. No windows to the properties around were possible. Six extra roof lights are created to provide a lot of light to the spaces around the courtyard.
Even though the loft is in the middle of a residential courtyard there is a lot of privacy because no direct visible connection is made through the surrounding buildings. The end result is a bright and vibrant open floorpan that suits the life style of the inhabitants. Open but private.